The Body Brain Blueprint

Get The Best From The Children You Work With This Year!

Are you looking for something more for the children you work with? Do you want to learn more about how you can utilise the body to train the brain and see children make huge leaps in their behaviour and learning? 

Would you like some improved strategies for dealing with anxiety or aggression? 

Imagine if you could look at a child and immediately understand the reason for their misbehaviour. All behaviour is language, it’s how our children tell us what they need. Imagine being able to give them what they really need.

When I witnessed how well these techniques worked on my own children, I was inspired to continue my learning and I became a qualified Neuro Developmental Therapist.

  • Do you find children in your class that can’t sit still?
  • Have you tried every remedial strategy and found little succcess?
  • Children with educational, emotional or social delay?

You will learn, in the Body Brain Blueprint course, the underlying issues and reasons for this behaviour.

The first years of a child’s life are the most important. Sometimes children aren’t given the opportunity to form the right brain connections.
The Body Brain Blueprint uses neurodevelopmental therapy and bi-lateral integration to ensure children’s primitive reflex profiles are reduced and their sensory processing is enhanced. Essentially we are giving the brain a second chance to make the correct neural pathways.

I’m Leanne Seniloli, author and creator of the Body Brain Blueprint. My aim is to show you how you can help children release their potential.

How much of your time in class is spent trying to get children to listen to you rather than teaching?  Maybe you have noticed some children who struggle to sit in a chair?

You might have noticed there are children in your class who have trouble communicating, and interacting positively with others. This can include not understanding social cues, or aggression.

It is crucial to find the reasons for emotional, educational, and social delay. When you understand the body and brain connection you can utilise this for the child’s success. With the Body Brain Blueprint, you will discover the body’s power in training the brain.

Imagine if it took only 15 minutes per day for the children in your class to get positive results in learning and development.

The Body Brain Blueprint is a one year programme that trains teachers of children aged 4 – 7, to recognise children’s reflexes, and provides exercise videos for the children to follow in class.
From this course you will:

  • Assess children’s motor skills and reflex profiles
  • Have access to a proven programme that helps mature their central nervous systems – their internal ‘computer’
  • Understand the reasons for emotional, educational and social delay
  • Learn why clumsiness is a sign of neuromotor immaturity
  • Learn the underlying reasons for anxiety and aggression
  • Assess neuromotor immaturity
  • Learn to perform fine motor, balance, and reflex tests. Get the tools for scoring these tests.
  • Understand how to measure and report the changes you see in a children’s learning, behaviour and coordination.

Our Preschool’s story

Moves4LilMinds or “Groovy Moves” as we call it at preschool has been an amazing programme for our 4-5 year olds. We have seen positive changes in our Tamariki behaviour, posture and overall well-being. Leanne is very inspiring and is always there to answer any questions and help. We are now in our third year of running Groovy Moves and each year we see an amazing change in the children.  Amelia.

Children risk struggling with their handwriting, math and other crucial school subjects. We can give them a head start now that will set them up for life!

Sign up to our online 10 module programme today and get these results for yourself. You will receive one year’s worth of professional development, music, videos and online support from me!

You will be given a full year of exercises to perform with your children and it takes only 15 minutes per day.

You will be guided through the course for the rest of the year, including reminders, live calls and opportunities to connect with others running the Moves4LilMinds movement programme.

Sign up today to receive all the great benefits of the Moves4LilMinds programme through the Body Brain Blueprint training!

Here’s what’s included when you sign up today:

  • Three full terms of exercises you can perform with your children everyday.
  • You will receive easy to use music videos with fun movement activities
  •  Support from me which includes live calls and reminders
  • One years access to training videos.
Still not convinced? Keep reading to learn more and even get a free sample of whats in the course

Moves4LilMinds Body Brain Blueprint Modules:


  • Welcome!
  • Meet Leanne
  • How this course can help you
  • Our commitments to each other

The Body and Learning:

  • Understand the difference between Primitive and Postural Reflexes
  • What are the symptoms of  Neuromotor Immaturity and how does it relate to motor response and the central nervous system?
  • The amazing secret about balance and learning
  • The underlying reasons why children are balance impaired, struggling with reading and writing or pencil grip. Why they may have a hard time following instructions, misjudge stairs or ramps or have skewed drawings. 
  • An in-depth look at ‘The Clumsy Child’. Learn about the reflex that impacts coordination and the symptoms in children. 
  • Which reflex is related to anxiety, aggression and mood swings? We look at how we can calm these children and reduce the reflex that is causing the problem and support their overall emotional control

Assessing Motor Skills and Reflex Tests:

  • Access to a standardised test created by the institute of neuro physiological psychology (INPP) UK
  • Learn to observe and Identify Physical “Readiness” for Learning
  • Learn to assess particular physical and neuro motor abilities
  • Learn a series of reflex tests, and test for visual perception and visual motor integration
  • All tests are based on current research and are medically
  • accepted

Moves4LilMinds Modules Four to Nine:

  • Guidance and support to take your children through the exercises five days a week, with videos and props provided to you
  • These exercises are designed to strengthen the neural connections in the children’s brains and reduce the reflexes associated with educational delay, clumsiness, aggression, anxiety, bad behaviour and much more.

Hi, I’m Leanne. I’m a mother of 4, a qualified Neuro Developmental Therapist, published author and Founder of Without Limits Learning.

I’ve spent nine years working in early childhood centres and schools and I have seen how some children thrive in this environment and how others struggle.

When I noticed one of my children was a little bit immature and not understanding school things as well as he should, I began researching ways I could help him.

This is when I discovered Neuro Developmental Therapy. I began an exercise programme with my son and after about a year, these techniques helped to re-wire his brain.

I was so impressed with the results that I had to learn more. I eventually became a Neuro Developmental Therapist and started my company, Without Limits Learning to help other children like him, who are struggling in the school system.

Since then, I have had the pleasure of helping hundreds of children be the very best they can be.

Moves4LilMinds programme and the Body Brain Blueprint training is different from other training programmes. Rather than providing temporary solutions to behavioural problems, or working on skills, you will be able to find the underlying reasons for their delay or misbehaviour.

No doubt you have tried many different techniques to help the children in your class, and now you are ready for something different, something new, with proven results.

It’s time for you to find out how the power of movement can make learning stick!

“Moves4LilMinds is a beneficial and exciting programme we implement everyday with our Tamariki. It takes less than 15 minutes to implement, and we have seen improvements in posture, behaviour and overall wellbeing. Children are more aware of their bodies and have the confidence to challenge their physical capabilities.” Sina

You will struggle to find this training and programme anywhere else in NZ, and as a teacher, this is essential for you to get the best out of the children.

Sign up today to avoid missing out on the benefits of the Body Brain Blueprint!

You’re ready for the Body Brain Blueprint training if:

  • You’re a teacher of 4 to 10-year-old children
  • You’re committed to the holistic growth and development of the children in your class
  • You want to support their learning with a proven programme 
  • You want to learn more about the body and brain connection and how it supports education    

Sign Up Now! If you are ready to enhance your understanding of the power of the body to retrain children’s brains.

 “I wish every child could have this opportunity.” Angie – ECE Lead Teacher

“Having visual cues for the children to remember the exercises by supports the children’s learning.” Camille 

“The children’s writing has improved, and they do not need support anymore” – Sina

Why can’t the body and brain communicate well with each other in some children? What will happen if we ignore this instead of dealing with the underlying issue now?

Still not convinced? Sign up to receive a video from the course, completely FREE!

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What People Say

“The Moves4LilMinds programme is really good, and so helpful to our children”


“The children’s writing has improved, and they do not need support anymore”


“The children easily follow the ‘Moves4lilMinds’ instructions and it is an opportunity for leadership”


“The exercises are cool and easy.”


“Having the videos has worked well,”


“It is good to have the videos, we can watch the exercises to revisit it – especially if the exercises are new.”


“Having visual cues for the children to remember the exercises by supports the children’s learning.”


"Moves4LilMinds is a beneficial and exciting programme we implement everyday with our Tamariki. It takes less than 15 minutes to implement, and we have seen improvements in posture, behaviour and overall wellbeing. Children are more aware of their bodies and have the confidence to challenge their physical capabilities."


"I wish every child can have this opportunity."

Angie (ECE Lead Teacher)

“I enjoyed learning all the activities and seeing the benefits of the Moves4LilMinds programme for all children.”
