One-Day Course in Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for learning

Are you a teacher of 4 – 12 year olds wanting to help children with long-lasting holistic intervention strategies. Do you want to see the work you are doing maximised and the children’s potential realised? Then the INPP One day teachers’ course is for you. The INPP programme has been used and researched across the globe since the 1970’s by Peter Blythe and Sally Goddard-Blythe. You can find out more here…

The INPP Screening Test and School Intervention Programme

The One Day Teachers Course includes tests to assess children’s neuromotor skills, and offers training in a developmental movement programme.

  • It is based on the proven INPP model for neuromotor development screening and intervention, which is unique in having been rigorously evaluated in research and practice
  • It places emphasis on assessing children’s physical development and how neuromotor skills provide the physical foundations for learning success.

The INPP Screening test is designed for anyone with a first degree and professional qualifications and experience in a field allied to Education, Medicine or Psychology.

The INPP Developmental Movement Programme for use in Schools has been designed specifically to be used in schools with groups of children over the course of one academic year. Exercises from the INPP programme for schools should not be used out of context with individual children. Professionals wishing to use INPP exercises with individual children should refer children to Leanne from Without Limits Learning.

The One-Day Course Outline

The one day course has been devised primarily for teachers who intend to use the INPP School Intervention Programme in their classrooms. The course comprises of:

Morning session: (4 hours)

Afternoon Session: (2 hours)

In Service Training for Schools

Without Limits Learning also offers the course as part of “in service” training. The fee for providing in-service training is in relation to the number of attendees. Please request an in service quote if needed. The lecturer’s fee for the provision of in-service training does not include the price of the manual, which is ordered additionally.

(A Code of Practice for all trainers offering the INPP Day Course is available on request.)

Fill out the form below to register your interest in the one day course, or to request more information.


What People Say


The background research is really interesting. The logical sequence of ideas builds towards the practical. Leanne was brilliant, warm and friendly, informative and very knowledgeable.


I enjoyed the fact that there is hope for children struggling with development. The exercises seem usable and would be great to see the results in the children.


The information that was backed by ‘research’ and evidence was invaluable. Having a lot of different activities and strategies to use with children helps me to immediately support my students. Leanne used clear expectations and instructions on how to do the exercises and that helped us know what to do with the children.


The training was informal, informative and a great way to learn in a relaxed environment.


The information in the training was helpful and useful for the children I care for. I am confident that I can identify children that need help, and I know how to help them.


I found the day interesting. I wish I had heard about it sooner! It was friendly, fun and informative.


The breakdown of reflexes and what they look like was helpful. The easy-going manner of Leanne created a good vibe for the day which was relaxed and informative. I have increased my knowledge of neuromotor immaturity.


The professional development was fast paced which was great. The research was good to see, and to find out what has happened elsewhere is excellent!


Leanne is an easy to listen to, knowledgeable instructor.


Great, interactive workshop that is flexible and open to discussions and questions as they arose.


There is a great balance between the theory behind the concept and exercises and moving. Leanne has a lovely style of presentation that is relaxed but not too casual, informative and very interesting.

Registration of Interest

Fill in these few details, or ask any questions needed, and we will get back to you with the info.